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Welcome to the Brigham Young University!

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Brad Neiger
Photo by Todd Wakefield/BYU

As an adjunct faculty member, you represent a powerful, skilled scholarly resource at Brigham Young University. Collectively, adjunct faculty members teach approximately 150 courses per academic year to our students. We encourage you to collaborate with your department chair and other faculty who have taught the class you are assigned.

On behalf of the university, thank you for your outstanding efforts and dedication to the education of our students. Whether this is your first semester as an adjunct faculty or you have served with us for many years, we hope that you will enjoy your experience!


Brad L. Neiger
Associate Academic VP - Faculty Relations


"Adjunct Faculty Excellence" Award Recipients

The Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award recognizes the contributions of adjunct faculty who have demonstrated excellence in teaching or in other professional responsibilities in service to the university and to students over a period of at least five years. It intends to acknowledge the important role adjunct faculty and other professionals play in the life of the university and in its ability to achieve the aims of a BYU education in the lives of students. The recipient receives a cash award of $2,000 and is recognized at the annual university conference in August of every year.